This section of the website provides answers to many frequently asked questions. Please note that this material is not a substitute for legal advice.

Are There Some Important Issues Relating to Certain States?

In Colorado, all arbitrations for Colorado residents take place in Denver, Colorado, the mile-high city.

In Texas, the Texas State Securities Board has passed regulations that really help investors with claims.

In New Mexico, the New Mexico Securities Division is focusing on Affinity Fraud, where the stockbroker preys upon members of identifiable groups. I have personal handled several Affinity Fraud cases.

In Utah, investors are protected by legislative statutes, both federal and state, but also by industry rules promulgated by FINRA and the SEC.

The state of Arizona is considered an investor friendly state, likely due to the high number of retirees that settle there. Arbitration awards from Arizona are often better than many other areas of the country.

In Wyoming, investors are protected not only by legislative laws and statutes, but also by industry rules that prohibit brokers from engaging in fraud, unsuitable sales, churning, breach of fiduciary duty, failure to supervise, unauthorized trading, and negligence.

In Nebraska, The Nebraska Department of Banking and Finance regulates securities in Nebraska and all arbitrations are held in Omaha.

Kansas stockbroker fraud is regulated by the Office of the Securities Commission, and one of its missions is to protect and inform Kansas investors.

The South Dakota Securities Division cites as one of its Top Investor Threats: “Unregistered products/unlicensed salesmen”.

Montana securities arbitrations are held in Helena. Remember that arbitrations take place in the state where the investor resides, not where the stockbroker works.

The North Dakota Securities Department is responsible for the enforcement of the North Dakota securities laws that protect citizens from dishonest investment practices, and regulate the people and companies offering investment opportunities.

Idaho investors are protected by legislative statutes, both federal and state, but also by industry rules promulgated by FINRA and the SEC.

Contact Ms. Stoneman - Stoneman Law Offices - Texas & Colorado. (719) 783-0303 Free Consultation - Representing Clients Nationwide